Nationality: United States of America
Website: Website
Olu Oguibe works in almost all media, from site-specific
sculpture to ceramics, found object installations to
acrylic paintings on canvas, ink drawings on paper to
digital paintings made on mobile electronic devices.
Oguibe's works derive from life and nature, and strive to
capture both the magical beauty of the human
imagination and the tragedies of the human condition.
Children are the subject of many of his previous works.
For the Muka Youth Prints, Oguibe produced a joyful
narrative using mostly abstract forms that draw from
nature, with a remarkable palette of vibrant, cheerful
colours, and several references to germination and
growth. Most of the images he first drew or painted using
his Apple iPad, before translating them into lithographs,
thus combining an ageless printmaking technique with
cutting edge modern technology.


Born: Aba, West Africa, 1964

Education: PhD, University of London, 1992
Professor of Art and Art History, University of Connecticut

Lives and works in Rockville, Connecticut, USA

Select Exhibitions
2010 Real Artways, Hartford
2009 International Women Artists? Biennial, Korea
2007 52nd Venice Biennale, Arsenale, Venice, Italy
Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway
Jack Shainman Gallery Chelsea, New York
2006 Trienal de Luanda, Luanda, Angola
Center for Book Arts, New York.
2005 Anyang Public Art Project, Anyang, Korea
Object Not Found, Monterrey, Mexico
World Ceramics Biennial Workshop, Yeoju, Korea
2004 Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Busan International Biennial, Korea
Tri Postal, Lille, France
New Museum, New York
2003 2nd Biennial of Ceramics in Cont. Art, Liguria Italy
Migros Museum, Z?rich, Switzerland
BPS 22, Chaleroi, Belgium
Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Washington Square Gallery, San Francisco
2002 Family, Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Lazeretto Sant?Elia, Cagliari, Italy
Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, Norway
M21, Langenlois, Austria
En Ruta, Loiza, Puerto Rico
Tramway Gallery, Glasgow
2001 Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin
Charlottenborg Museum, Copenhagen
Apex Art, New York
2000 1st Echigo-Tsumari Public Art Triennial, Japan
7th Havana Bienal, Havana, Cuba
PS1, New York, 2000
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Castello di Rivoli, Turino, Italy
Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastian, Basque Country
Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Netherlands
Gorney Bravin + Lee, New York