Morison, 2B McLeod Robert, Polluting the Planet Watson Ruth, Beyond paradise

muka youth prints thirty-six years of investment in art & education


Hello dear Muka friends,


Covid still makes it difficult to establish a calendar for the normal annual Muka Print events. But in the “Adult free Room” at 110 Burnley Terrace Sandringham. A large MUKA PRINT collection will be on display.


Young people under 19 are allowed in and choose a MUKA PRINT

on Saturdays from 10am till 1pm

Please make an appointment.


Did you know? Thousands bought muka youth prints in their golden age, when they were not yet 19...


Now they bring their children to the muka youth prints all over the country and  everybody under 19 is welcome, some rules do apply.


T. 021 372672 or E.